

This is a reminder that the maintenance scheduled at CIX-ATL will commence 15 minutes from now. Please see details below if you missed the original notice by Ryan Woolley sent last week.




Randy Epstein

Executive Director

Email: [email protected]


Mobile: +1 561-756-4475

Office: +1 888-925-4678

Fax: +1 561-431-0437





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From: Ryan Woolley <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at 10:59 AM
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: Community IX Atlanta <[email protected]>
Subject: CIX-ATL Service Affecting Maintenance Wednesday 29 November 2023


Greetings CIX-ATL members,

Next Wednesday, 29 November 2023, between 12:01am and 3am, we will perform service-affecting maintenance on several components of the IX.  No action is required on your part.

For the duration of the maintenance, we will block BGP traffic across the IX as described in BCP 214. Sessions will re-establish after the maintenance is complete.

Members whose ports are connected at Coresite AT1 (55 Marietta St) will be moved to a new switch and will experience a brief loss of link as ports are migrated.

Members whose ports are delivered at all other sites, including QTS, Edgeconnex, and Equinix AT1 and AT2/3, will see a loss of link as firmware on the switches at those sites is updated.

In the event that you experience trouble after the completion of the migration, please contact the Community IX NOC at [email protected]


Ryan Woolley
for the Community IX Technical Committee

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